Mana Farms, Hyderabad

Ongoing Project at Mana Farms, a continuation of the structure that was started at the workshop  on low cost sustainable architecture.

The walls are partly adobes, sun dried, un-stabilized and built with mud mortar.

The dome is one of the first “Bovedas mexicanas”, a mexican style dome built over telephonic instructions from here in Mexico. The simple use of crossing diagonals as center guides for the top of the consequent curves makes this dome very easy and fast to built.


  1. vtarchitect wrote:

    Deepak, please look out for workshops and volunteering opporunities on

  2. Hi Varun,

    I am from Hyderabad and would like to visit the Mana Farm Project to understand and learn about the project. I am planning a sustainable house construction for myself and researching various technologies.

    Appreciate your Help.
